Time block your way to SUCCESS

Thursday, December 17th, 2020

Time Blocking: Scheduling your day into chunks of time to focus on specific activities. When you plan your 2021 work and family schedules, try out these strategies.

Priorities Come First

  • At the start of each week, schedule non-negotiable activities first, then place everything else around that.
  • Getting tied up with non-essential tasks? Drop what you’re doing and switch your focus to the top priorities.
  • Urgent tasks should relate to your long-term goals!

Time Batching: Group together similar tasks to maximize your time. You’ll streamline your focus, get into a flow state and reduce the time you spend shifting gears between projects.

Example: Schedule time for relaxation and leisure at the end of the work day to motivate you to get everything done!

Tech Tools: Use Google Calendar or iCal to color-code your schedule according to the type of event whether it’s business, personal, kids, etc. Sync it across all your devices to always know your next move!


  1. Consider setting a timer so you stick to your set time blocks!
  2. Turn off notifications on your phone while working.
  3. Squeeze in a motivational podcast on long commutes!
  4. Give most of your time to the biggest projects.


There were plenty of obstacles this year and we could all benefit from a fresh start in 2021! When you use the following strategies, you can plan for productivity and get back on track in the new year.

**Make Every Minute Count**

Instead of idling when you have some extra time, check some much-needed tasks off your to-do list. You’ll be surprised at how much you can accomplish when you optimize your down time.

TIP: Use time gaps between appointments to organize your desktop or clean up your inbox.

**Keep Your Workspace Tidy**

At work, nearly 91% of employees say they’d get more done if their space was better organized. To be more productive in work and life, find an organizational method that works for you.

TIP: Minimize desk clutter by sorting reports or random papers in magazine holders, and shred any items you do not need. Try to consistently declutter your space one to two times a week.

**Get Laser-Focused**

Block out distractions when you’re in the zone, and always keep your goals front and center. With your eyes on the prize, you’ll be more motivated to hustle – and get more done during the day.

TIP: Write down the top three priorities you must accomplish each day to achieve larger montly goals.

**Reset and Recharge**

In order to commit more of yourself to your work, family, and friends, you need to practice self-care and fill up your own tank first.

TIP: Prioritize time to unwind. You might make time for movement, pick up a hobby, take regular walks in nature or even schedule some days off.